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Logo(s) placement and usage are consistent within similar formats.
Completely Satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Not very satisfied
Not at all satisfied
Don't Know
The typography styles, sizes, leading and treatments are consistently adapted throughout all media.
Completely Satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Not very satisfied
Not at all satisfied
Don't Know
Design elements (color palette, photo/art treatments and layout) are consistent within each format.
Completely Satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Not very satisfied
Not at all satisfied
Don't Know
Design elements (color palette, photo/art treatments and layout) convey a family look throughout all media.
Completely Satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Not very satisfied
Not at all satisfied
Don't Know
Graphic representation of the company is consistently executed across business/product/service lines.
Completely Satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Not very satisfied
Not at all satisfied
Don't Know


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