Continued from Demystify managed care

Show your humanity
Seniors want to see the human faces behind organizational facades.

Use graphics that depict your staff interacting with others. This way, you are able to give what could be cold or daunting information a personalized touch.

By writing informative stories with a customized approach, you can draw senior interest while assuaging the fear and apprehension that many have toward HMOs.

Give your senior market stories of people like them -- active older Americans who are benefiting from the services you provide.

Making seniors feel like part of your "family" of health care providers will bring the senior market "home" while assuring their retention after joining the plan.

First Marketing can help you design and customize targeted communications for the vast senior market. By providing information about your managed care organization in a personal, user-friendly way, you can replace "gossip" with the facts seniors need to make informed managed care decisions. Send us an e-mail today to find out more about custom targeted communications for your audience.

Master your Web domain

Retail Banking
Managed Care